I believe that Mother Nature has all the power and the help we need for we mere mortals to live happy, healthy and balanced lives. It seems to some as though our sense of smell is the least important of our 5 senses and the one most people would give up were they asked to choose. For me being an aromatherapist, I think my sense of smell actually connects me to nature herself.
Some believe that through the perfume or aroma of a flower, encapsulated in an essential oil, we are actually connecting with the soul or the spirit of that plant.
As we age our bodies gradually slow down and sometimes we seem to loose touch with our very essence. Women lose their energy through menstruation and childbirth and it almost feels inevitable that our confidence, our passion and our physical joy will decline as the years pass. Mother Nature though has many substances to support and restore a womans state of inner harmony and equilibrium. To know these and to know how to use them has formed part of the essential secrets of alchemy that women of wisdom, in different cultures and countries have used since time immemorial.
From a chemical point of view, the essential oils of flowers have a chemical structure very similar to the hormones of a woman. These are phytoestrogens which harmonize the feminine hormonal system and have an ability to affect both a womans sexual life, her reproductive rhythms, menstruation and menopause.
Because of their anti-oxidant and cellular regeneration powers, essential oils are rejuvenating, protecting the immune system against illness.
A woman can become powerful when she connects with her feminine essence. Feminine values are comprised of understanding, tolerance, de-centralization, love, generosity, compassion and solidarity. Compared to the negative patriarchal values the world has witnessed for the past 5000 years, we see centralism, power, violence, wars, egoism, social injustice and the destruction and contamination of the planet. The feminine energy is needed now more than ever and we need to nourish it within ourselves so that it can be radiated out into the world.
It may seem a tall order to think that a few essential oils can 'change the world', but seen in a different way, a happy woman means a happier partnership which in turn may lead to a happy family and in turn a more positive flow of balance and harmony.
The essential oils I would recommend for cultivating this type of feminine balance, are of course mainly the flowers.
Ylang Ylang Cananga Odorata
Considered an aphrodisiac, In Indonesia ylang ylang flowers are scattered across the bed of newlyweds in order to promote desire and as a symbol of purity and love. It is recognised for its effects on the circulatory and nervous system in treatments for high blood pressure, tachycardia, and palitations, depression, frigidity,impotence, insomnia, nervous tension and stress.
Geranium Pelargonium Graveolens
Geranium has a chemical composition which most resembles that of feminine oestrogen.It regulates, stabilises and harmonises the feminine endocrine system and stimulates the hormones produced by the surarenal glands, alleviates premenstrual tension, increases vaginal secretions, improves feminine fertility and reduces the effects of menopause.
Sandalwood Santalum album
Not distilled from a flower, , the essential oil is obtained by the crushed and dried roots of the tree. It balances the emotions , purifies the body and reduces anxiety. Mainly produced in India, it awakens sexual energy in tantric yoga and is well known for its aphrodisiac properties.
Coriander Coriandrum Sativum
Obtained from the seeds of the plant,the essential oil lends optimism, honesty and enthusiasm. It is highly suitable in situations of emotional fatigue, nervousness, stress, doubt, fear of failure and sensations of vulnerability. At a sexual level it is a powerful aphrodisiac which stimulates the production of estrogens which increase feminine fertility.
Cardamon Elettaria cardamonmum
Obtained also from the seed of the plant, cardamon has a rich history of use in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. It is considered as a gentle tonic to the brain and nervous system. At a more subtle level we can think of the aphrodisiac and aperitive qualities of cardamon oil as helping to restore an 'appetite for life'.
Cinnamon Leaf Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Considered in ancient times to be one of the most important aromatic spices. It is a powerful 'yang' oil which can warm and uplift the spirit as well as improve concentration. Its combination of exotic sweetness and virile pungency gives it the power to arouse both the libido and the imagination.
Orange Citrus aurantium dulcis
Distilled from the peel of the fruit, orange is the safest and gentlest of all essential oils. Its attractive sweet aroma lends emotional balance, relaxes and eases the nerves helping to reduce depression. It promotes self esteem and self confidence and encourages optimism hope and calm.
I'm loving the blend called 'Passion' from Doterra
It has a heady blend of Cardamon, cinnamon ginger clove sandalwood jasmine, vanilla and the amazing Damiana, ladies viagra.
Bringing the use of essential oils into our daily lives cannot help but improve our well being and happiness.
If I can help you with help and advice please get in touch, otherwise you can order the oils here, just enrol as a wholesale customer and you will recieve 25% discount for 12 months.